Jumat, 31 Mei 2013

I am Rock :)

Time run quickly, and next week I will get the final exam in 11 grader. Perhaps, it will be the last task to do  before I become 12 grader student and it's mean that my time to study in Senior High School will be ending soon. Many daily exam that I had before , sometimes I feel very tired to go to school everyday and come back dormitory in evening. However, I remember my struggle to study here and my lovely mom who always support me also remain me to study hard and keep my spirit.
12 grader is MINE ::)

Unfortunely, this week I have many schedule to do. Start from Sunday there is SAYC (Sampoerna Academy Youth Conference) all of student in my school must joining in this program. SAYC day is time to presenting the project that choosen to selecting to be the winner, this project held ssince 2 months ago and it's time to show. Then Monday I had a career day, that is one program who can help us ( I and my friend ) to choose what career that we want and match with us. so we have a panel with each class is different speakers. I very wondering with this program it give me a lot of knowledge and motivation. Not only that, I also have a concise test personality to choose the career. Next, on Wednesday until Thursday I prepare to be a Flag deville on my senior graduation. I haven't enter my school !

error :D

Nightmare is come, on friday I wish I could but the act say no. I must guide the guest that come to my school until the lesson get over. Huh, This is the brave week ever because I do not enter school and next week I will have a final examination to determine whether I will be a 12 grader or not ? I try to collecting all of my power to face it. I believe in my self and I  will prepare it well , although in my limited time. There is a hope, chance, and pray that always acommpany every step I take.

Finally, I am ready to have examination whatever will be. And for my friend keep your spirit, Let the world see us! We can make a difference and change the world to be better :) 12 grader is MINE :)

I am 12 grader will be :)

Senin, 13 Mei 2013

Letter to Me (12 grader)

 I wrote a letter to myself when I was grade 12 next year which is about 8 months from now.
Dear Me,
How was school today? whether it is better than 8 months ago? I hope you can do the best in the 12th grade. now you've become a senior from junior, you should be able to set a good example for them. so that they could also be good also in his junior later. do not forget to always maintain a relationship with each other so as not to cut off even though you are busy to prepare for graduation.

I know exactly how you feel right now jumbled together, never mind calm. earnestly learn and enjoy. make yourself as comfortable as possible while learning, plus also share your learning and reduce activities that do not really matter. Stay focused on your main goal is in this school, which is
to study and get your success at school.

Remember your parents and your sisters at home they're waiting to hear your success here. your parents are working day and night just to meet your needs. they are not willing to sleep does not work even they still took the time to see you at this school. every worship they always mention your name to your health and success. remember also the message from your sister "study hard, get your success, and give me an ice cream if you are successful and have a lot of money".
Now look in the mirror, see yourself that now is there a change in you. whether it is good or bad? the important thing is please think before you act, do not be hasty. Soon you will get a school final exam, do your best. prove to the world that you really can. make your parents proud and happy to see their children succeed in school. university will also prepare you to go. see prospects and make sure you choose the right majors at the university. Do not get confused you can ask the teacher konserling also discuss with your parents about majors who would you choose.
One message for you “Respect for self; Respect for others; and Responsibility for all your actions.” and don't forget to always be thankful of what you have.

Deep from heart,

E. Intan. A

Selasa, 07 Mei 2013

12 is Waiting :)

I never relaized that I've been student's in SMAN 10 Malang (Sampoerna Academy) for 2 years.  Time run so fast and I never feel it. Maybe all because of a lot of activity I do in the school and also there are so many duty from school and organization that I followed. I woke up in early morning then prepared go to school, come back dorm, joining the L2L(Learning to Life), back dorm again, Practise the drama and doing the duty with my friends at class, back dorm and the last is my favoorite one, SLEEPING. :)

Next, I may not rebel to the rule of life. Sometimes I just felt tired and I wanna stop working. But, again I remember that I'm here to get the education for my better future life. So, I must struggle at this time , never give up, always praying and be grateful for all of thing that to Allah SWT give to me. Less than 2 moths, I will be 12 grader student at this school. It's mean that must do more that now. I must prepared my school and university that I wanted.Study, study and study, where ever always study and never be lazy. Because it can killing me. :D

I want to get the first rangking in my social departement and stay focus to get better score and always update the information of university that I wanted. In the other hand I also asked some suggestion from the counseling teachers and absolutely my parents. Yeah, I prepared all from now. On my mind ,a little scary come but I refuse it. However, I will be a true senior in my school and do better for all of thing I do. Because I have 2 generations of junior in my school, I must be a good example for them.

Remain me about my lovely parents and also my younger twin sister that waiting for my success in my home town. I'm a dormitory students. So that's way I must survive here. Ok ! 12 Grader I'm ready.

My Cute Integrated Writing (my feeling)


 Today I have an exam for the TOEFL IBT integrated writing. After I got some meeting in the class and also some exersise before. Actually I feel scary to doing the exam today. Why ? Because the note taking is 40% reading and 60 % for listening. Yah, it's all about listening , I'm not good but I'm learning. So, when the started I prepare my self to be ready with the test. I do the note taking from a reading , I got 3 points. Then when the time is up I wrote a summerize from the lecture in the listening.

Out of the box, it's not scary like I though before. It's more fun and more easy than the independent writing. I don't way ? But I'm feeling relax during doing the integrated writing today. I used some sy nonym and make a transition phrases also I make Stuctural change when I make an essays from the reading and listening.

Tralala... the bell was rang , and I stoped my writing with the conclusion. It's quite good enough for me as a beginner to having this exam , even though just a Quiz in the school but I hope I can do the real test for TOEFL IBT integrated and independen writing. It fun and I love to learn english more. :) :) :p